Friday, September 12, 2014

Do you use Windows XP ? Went to Linux Now

Do you use Windows XP ? Went to Linux Now
Do you use Windows XP ? Went to Linux Now

After the completion of support for Windows XP from Microsoft Corp. became the infiltration system is threatened, which means that Microsoft did not provide him with any security updates, including patching the holes and fix the problems ... other. There is a large proportion of older devices do not Tsthml working on a new version of Windows 7 which is

Now your device certainly can not Isthml Windows 7 and XP will remain obliged to be threatened and infiltration, this is not a sinner, no system to Linux!

Learn Linux> here <

And now you know the light distribution Lubuntu : 


Lubuntu: is the distribution of the Ubuntu derivatives, small size and light devices for the weak, and the interface used LXDE light and low consumption of resources, and less energy-consuming devices in the lap Top.omn. Stable, you are not required to prove his combat viruses, and the facade is very similar to Windows.

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