Tuesday, September 9, 2014

6 best Linux distributions for children

6 best Linux distributions for children
6 best Linux distributions for children

In this article, we'll show the best six Linux distributions for children, from the age of two and above, the goal of choosing Linux here is to make the brain more susceptible to innovation, openness and freedom and the ability to exploration in the future, as is the case in the philosophy of open source.

(1) Qimo :

6 best Linux distributions for children

Kimo, is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu with desktop environment designed specifically for children, and comes with educational toys suitable for 3 years and above, comes with an intuitive interface and very easy with large icons so that he can see it from a young age.  

- Click here to download. 

(2) Sugar :
6 best Linux distributions for children

Sugar, distro based on Fedora are designed for portable devices and Alnotbok designed for the project, Professor Nicolas Negroponte's (Laptop Per Child "(OLPC)") dedicated to children, and is a radical departure from the desktop traditional and makes it more fun and easier to teaching and programming capabilities in computing, suitable even 6 years. 

- Click here to download. 

(3) Edubuntu  :

Is a derivative of Ubuntu officially supported, aimed at primary and secondary schools, and has three different attributes: "young", "plain", "default" and contains some beautiful software.

- Click here to download.

(4) LinuxKidX :

6 best Linux distributions for children

This distribution based on Slackware and KDE interface used as the roof of a virtual office, includes many of the scientific and academic programming and many programs geared for children, suitable for two years and above.

- Click here to download.

(5) Foresight for Kids :

6 best Linux distributions for children

The distribution Foresight for Kids derived from Foresight Linux distro which contain interface GNOME virtual front, and include educational programs, sports and games, a suitable age three onwards.

- Click here to download.

(6) Doudou Linux :

6 best Linux distributions for children

Dudu Linux, based on Debian and is therefore very stable, has recast the entire desktop to make it as easy as possible for children, including a number of games and sports programs with interactive interface and division of neat to list interface.

- Click here to download.

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