Saturday, September 13, 2014

Installing Mac OS X feature on Ubuntu 14.04

Installing Mac OS X feature on Ubuntu 14.04
Installing Mac OS X feature on Ubuntu 14.04

In this lesson, we will explain the appearance of Ubuntu 14.04 conversion to Mac format by installing a feature MacBuntu, note that this explanation applies only to Ubuntu 14.04.

1 Download wallpapers Mac OS X :

Click here to download. 

2. install bar the Dock

-Open Terminal With CRTL +ALT+T And copy this :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:docky-core/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docky

- After Dock been installed on your computer, open it, and then download this special feature with dock , and the dish to be installed the following picture :

3 . Installation feature and Mac icons and indicators :

For the installation of a feature with all Macintosh icons and indicators, open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mac-ithemes-v3
sudo apt-get install mac-icons-v3
- After the installation is finished, select the required attribute, icons and indicators mouse through a program of Unity Tweak Tool (available in the software center).
- If you want to remove the attribute, paste the following commands:
 cd /usr/share/icons/mac-cursors && sudo ./
sudo apt-get remove mac-ithemes-v3 mac-icons-v3

4 Installation feature boot Mac (nobslab Mac Boot) : 

- Open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands, for the installation of Sblash:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mbuntu-bscreen-v3

-In case you want to remove this attribute, Valsq follows:
       sudo apt-get autoremove mbuntu-bscreen-v3 

5. installation feature on the Mac login screen LightDM :

 - If you want to install Mac OS X feature, special LightDM login screen in Ubuntu, open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mbuntu-lightdm-v3
- In case you want to remove this attribute Valsq follows:
      sudo apt-get remove mbuntu-lightdm-v3 
6. install instant search tool for files, folders and programs Synapse  :
  On the Macintosh system, adding there called Spotlight, which are those that enable users to search the rapid and immediate all things on the computer; either on the Linux system there are a great alternative called Synapse.

To Ttansab Synapse Open terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-synapse
* Note: Requires registration for the program runs out, you will notice after entry exists in the top bar.
7 Replacement of the word Ubuntu Desktop word of Mac OS X in the top bar :

 - Open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands:

cd && wget -O Mac.po

cd /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES; sudo msgfmt -o ~/Mac.po;rm ~/Mac.po;cd

- If you want to undo this, Valsq follows: 
  cd && wget -O Ubuntu.po

cd /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES; sudo msgfmt -o ~/Ubuntu.po;rm ~/Ubuntu.po;cd

8 slider to change the classic appearance : 
 - Open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following command:

gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal

- If you want to undo, Valsq follows:

9 Replacement of the Ubuntu logo with the slogan Mac in the sidebar : 

- Paste the following two commands:

10 work to hide automatic Sidebar : 

Open the System Settings and turn to Appearance> behavior (Appearance -> Behavior and turn off.) And I work for the property OFF (disabled), as the image:

 11. install icons Monochrome program Libre Office :

- Open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following:

- To apply the theme through the options for Weber Office, see photos:  


 12 footage : 


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