Saturday, September 6, 2014

New Distro Blackarch Protect and penetrate more than 1,000 software tool !

New Distro Blackarch Protect and penetrate more than 1,000 software tool !
New Distro Blackarch Protect and penetrate more than 1,000 software tool ! 
After the death of the late Backtrack and go some of the developers to distribution Kali Linux and others have started projects of their own .. appeared many distributions protection and penetration, today our appointment with the distribution BlackArch a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux and comes with more than 1,000 instrument for the protection and penetration free and ready to use directly, making it a good distro for those interested in the field of information security.

Distribution like her mother, is installed via the command line, which also come in several managers of the system such as Windows FluxBox, OpenBox and Awesome and Spectrwm all of which are very light to reduce consumption Almurad, and do not forget it is based on Arch, which means another packages and updates.

After the death of the late Backtrack and go some of the developers to distribution Kali Linux and others have started projects of their own .. appeared many distributions protection and penetration, today our appointment with the distribution BlackArch a Linux distribution based on Arch Linux and comes with more than 1,000 instrument for the protection and penetration free and ready to use directly, making it a good distro for those interested in the field of information security.   Distribution like her mother, is installed via the command line, which also come in several managers of the system such as Windows FluxBox, OpenBox and Awesome and Spectrwm all of which are very light to reduce consumption Almurad, and do not forget it is based on Arch, which means another packages and updates.
New Distro Blackarch Protect and penetrate more than 1,000 software tool ! 
New Distro Blackarch Protect and penetrate more than 1,000 software tool !
New Distro Blackarch Protect and penetrate more than 1,000 software tool !

Download BlackArch warehouses or add to Arch Linux, see this link. Did you try BlackArch before? How was your experience with it?

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