Saturday, September 13, 2014

Start in the management of Linux servers with DigitalOcean

Start in the management of Linux servers with DigitalOcean

Management servers to Linux and is extremely broad, and it has a lot of demand by many companies in recent times, then the director of the server is the person responsible for follow-up all his affairs from the ground up and has a wide range of disciplines, it would be good for you as a user to learn a few basic things about managing servers Linux, and today you will learn about the company DigitalOcean.

DigitalOcean is one of the leading companies in the field of the VPS servers running Linux, the company offers a lot of features at a bargain price too - just $ 5 a month - as well as the quality of the service, some features include:

- Traffic 1 terabyte per month.
- 20 GB SSD type of space, which means more speed.
- 512 megabytes of random access memory RAM.
- Possibility to install most Linux distributions push of a button.
- Possibility to work backup and recovery process easily.
- Control Panel easy and practical help in a lot of your business.
- Many other features  

  You can register in DigitalOcean from the following link, once you register, enter this the Promo Code to get $ 10 free is sufficient to try to work with them for two months: ALLSSD10, you can enter it from your account page, then went to Droplets and create Kadhum VPS New to start working with him.

Also features DigitalOcean is the presence of a large amount of documentation about the things management servers to Linux, you can review all these documents from the following link:  

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