Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ubuntu defeated all operating systems in safety tests

Issued operating system Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS forefront of the evaluation of the security agency, the private British security mobile operating systems and office.

It reviewed and Information Security Agency British system 11 of the most popular operating systems and suitability for the end user, according to a dozen security benchmark.

It was all systems: Google's Android, Apple's Mac OS X and Microsoft's Windows 7, 8 and RT operating systems within which entered the comparison in security standards.

According to the Canonical Ubuntu developer: "that there is no operating system that combines performance, speed and superior protection only Ubuntu."

I studied the British security agency each operating system according to each of the following criteria :

  -   Virtual Private Network VPN.
  -   Encrypted disks.
  -   Authentication or authentication.
  -   Safe boot.
  -   Integration platform and protection mode.
  -  The discovery of malicious code and the ability to prevent them.
  -  Protection of the external interface.
  -  Security policy in the public system.
  -  Update policy and cutting devices.
  -  Incident Response.
  -  Trusted applications
  -  A set of test events for the analysis of projects.

Ubuntu has only three problems which already above; while containing other operating systems more than that, as the study indicates that Windows Phone 8 has many "great danger", while the study indicates that the Blackberry 10.1 is more operating systems vulnerable and less secure , the Android the best of the two.

The study confirms that Ubuntu "good enough" but that he has some weaknesses that prevent the arrival to perfection in full, most notably the system is VPN its own, where the agency says that: "The system VPN in Ubuntu is strong enough, but what there are still some unmet requirements in it, "Canonical says it will work on improving the VPN in the next version of the system which is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

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