Sunday, May 17, 2015

Debian 8.0 come to light .. and Microsoft is celebrating too!


Debian 8.0 come to light .. and Microsoft is celebrating too!

Released version 8.0 of rock stable distribution (Debian), and under the name "Jessie", after about two years of intensive development.

Even that Microsoft celebrated the birth of Debian holiday cake, but this celebration is a publicity platform for Microsoft's Azure cloud, but it is still something Funny.
Now, we review the new Debian 8.0 Jessie:
Updates in software, protection and desktop :
As is the habit with most Linux distributions, should carry significant changes in programming packages and versions of applications, including desktop applications, and programs of the server, and system tools, libraries, Debian now has the largest number of modern programming, and certainly are working steady and stable. 
s has been disabled encryption old SSLv3 protocol, and weak security, has been added and recompile (compiled) packages more solid and make it, for security purposes, was to provide additional protection against buffer overflows attacks and other attacks, rather than add some libraries and Alcolmbalrat.
8 came as Debian desktop environment GNOME after you decide to use an environment XFCE desktop virtualization during the development of Debian 8 as a result of disappointments in successive versions of GNOME 3.4, 3.6, 3.8. But, Eddie success later versions of GNOME 3.10, 3.12, 3.14 to reverse the decision and return to the use of an environment GNOME desktop virtualization. 
Systemd become by default :
You can tell that Systemd is a collection of tools and libraries that control the central management system for Linux, or lower the basic piece that manages the system. 
Systemd and is considered one of the most projects controversy in the free software community, because it is said that the basic structure for systemd violates the philosophy and standards of Unix, and it may lead to entanglement in Dependencies, but this does not eliminate that has pros and the advantages are many, too, and now, after a long discussion the decision was made to be Systemd is the default in Debian, instead of the old SysV init.
On the sidelines: Also Ubuntu 15.04 and Fedora Red Hat openSUSE and Arch and most distributions, had moved to systemd is the other.
In the end, it was safe to quit EFI support in Debian Jessie more, and saw this version of Debian various improvements and bug fixes and a number of very significant changes, read the release notes to see all the changes.
Debian 8.0 come to light .. and Microsoft is celebrating too!

Debian 8.0 come to light .. and Microsoft is celebrating too!

Debian 8.0 come to light .. and Microsoft is celebrating too!


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Micro Focus buys royal Attachmate's SUSE Linux


Micro Focus buys royal Attachmate's SUSE Linux

Nearly two years ago, announced Attachmate Group announced the acquisition of Novell, Inc. sponsors distro SUSE Linux (the latter supports the distribution openSUSE) compared to 2.2 billion dollars (and before that, bought Novell SUSE Linux in 2003, compared with 140 million dollars), everything went just fine and did not no change regarding SUSE and openSUSE, as you know, it's the Business.

Now and in the news again, announced Mirco Focus for the acquisition of Attachmate Group for $ 2.3 billion dollars and therefore are acquired also projects Novell and SUSE Linux, the new company is a software company based in Britain - London, aims through the process to purchase these to provide products and related services for the Linux system and the field of hosting generally serve the objectives of the company.

Nils Brauckmann general manager of the SUSE Linux and openSUSE Call Society, said:

     It is the Business as usual: no changes planned for the structural project SUSE or his administration, as there is no need to take any action by the community openSUSE as a result of this announcement, SUSE will continue to contribute to the open source community and will continue to list the projects in the field of business, and will remain supportive of the openSUSE project and society.

If the situation will remain as is for OpenOffice and Susie Susie .. the latest version of openSUSE (13.1) a very mature way and you can download it from here.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Ubuntu defeated all operating systems in safety tests


Issued operating system Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS forefront of the evaluation of the security agency, the private British security mobile operating systems and office.

It reviewed and Information Security Agency British system 11 of the most popular operating systems and suitability for the end user, according to a dozen security benchmark.

It was all systems: Google's Android, Apple's Mac OS X and Microsoft's Windows 7, 8 and RT operating systems within which entered the comparison in security standards.

According to the Canonical Ubuntu developer: "that there is no operating system that combines performance, speed and superior protection only Ubuntu."

I studied the British security agency each operating system according to each of the following criteria :

  -   Virtual Private Network VPN.
  -   Encrypted disks.
  -   Authentication or authentication.
  -   Safe boot.
  -   Integration platform and protection mode.
  -  The discovery of malicious code and the ability to prevent them.
  -  Protection of the external interface.
  -  Security policy in the public system.
  -  Update policy and cutting devices.
  -  Incident Response.
  -  Trusted applications
  -  A set of test events for the analysis of projects.

Ubuntu has only three problems which already above; while containing other operating systems more than that, as the study indicates that Windows Phone 8 has many "great danger", while the study indicates that the Blackberry 10.1 is more operating systems vulnerable and less secure , the Android the best of the two.

The study confirms that Ubuntu "good enough" but that he has some weaknesses that prevent the arrival to perfection in full, most notably the system is VPN its own, where the agency says that: "The system VPN in Ubuntu is strong enough, but what there are still some unmet requirements in it, "Canonical says it will work on improving the VPN in the next version of the system which is Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Start in the management of Linux servers with DigitalOcean


Start in the management of Linux servers with DigitalOcean

Management servers to Linux and is extremely broad, and it has a lot of demand by many companies in recent times, then the director of the server is the person responsible for follow-up all his affairs from the ground up and has a wide range of disciplines, it would be good for you as a user to learn a few basic things about managing servers Linux, and today you will learn about the company DigitalOcean.

DigitalOcean is one of the leading companies in the field of the VPS servers running Linux, the company offers a lot of features at a bargain price too - just $ 5 a month - as well as the quality of the service, some features include:

- Traffic 1 terabyte per month.
- 20 GB SSD type of space, which means more speed.
- 512 megabytes of random access memory RAM.
- Possibility to install most Linux distributions push of a button.
- Possibility to work backup and recovery process easily.
- Control Panel easy and practical help in a lot of your business.
- Many other features  

  You can register in DigitalOcean from the following link, once you register, enter this the Promo Code to get $ 10 free is sufficient to try to work with them for two months: ALLSSD10, you can enter it from your account page, then went to Droplets and create Kadhum VPS New to start working with him.

Also features DigitalOcean is the presence of a large amount of documentation about the things management servers to Linux, you can review all these documents from the following link:  

Installing Mac OS X feature on Ubuntu 14.04


Installing Mac OS X feature on Ubuntu 14.04
Installing Mac OS X feature on Ubuntu 14.04

In this lesson, we will explain the appearance of Ubuntu 14.04 conversion to Mac format by installing a feature MacBuntu, note that this explanation applies only to Ubuntu 14.04.

1 Download wallpapers Mac OS X :

Click here to download. 

2. install bar the Dock

-Open Terminal With CRTL +ALT+T And copy this :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:docky-core/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docky

- After Dock been installed on your computer, open it, and then download this special feature with dock , and the dish to be installed the following picture :

3 . Installation feature and Mac icons and indicators :

For the installation of a feature with all Macintosh icons and indicators, open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mac-ithemes-v3
sudo apt-get install mac-icons-v3
- After the installation is finished, select the required attribute, icons and indicators mouse through a program of Unity Tweak Tool (available in the software center).
- If you want to remove the attribute, paste the following commands:
 cd /usr/share/icons/mac-cursors && sudo ./
sudo apt-get remove mac-ithemes-v3 mac-icons-v3

4 Installation feature boot Mac (nobslab Mac Boot) : 

- Open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands, for the installation of Sblash:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mbuntu-bscreen-v3

-In case you want to remove this attribute, Valsq follows:
       sudo apt-get autoremove mbuntu-bscreen-v3 

5. installation feature on the Mac login screen LightDM :

 - If you want to install Mac OS X feature, special LightDM login screen in Ubuntu, open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mbuntu-lightdm-v3
- In case you want to remove this attribute Valsq follows:
      sudo apt-get remove mbuntu-lightdm-v3 
6. install instant search tool for files, folders and programs Synapse  :
  On the Macintosh system, adding there called Spotlight, which are those that enable users to search the rapid and immediate all things on the computer; either on the Linux system there are a great alternative called Synapse.

To Ttansab Synapse Open terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install indicator-synapse
* Note: Requires registration for the program runs out, you will notice after entry exists in the top bar.
7 Replacement of the word Ubuntu Desktop word of Mac OS X in the top bar :

 - Open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following commands:

cd && wget -O Mac.po

cd /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES; sudo msgfmt -o ~/Mac.po;rm ~/Mac.po;cd

- If you want to undo this, Valsq follows: 
  cd && wget -O Ubuntu.po

cd /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES; sudo msgfmt -o ~/Ubuntu.po;rm ~/Ubuntu.po;cd

8 slider to change the classic appearance : 
 - Open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following command:

gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal

- If you want to undo, Valsq follows:

9 Replacement of the Ubuntu logo with the slogan Mac in the sidebar : 

- Paste the following two commands:

10 work to hide automatic Sidebar : 

Open the System Settings and turn to Appearance> behavior (Appearance -> Behavior and turn off.) And I work for the property OFF (disabled), as the image:

 11. install icons Monochrome program Libre Office :

- Open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T and paste the following:

- To apply the theme through the options for Weber Office, see photos:  


 12 footage : 


Glance at shell scripts


Glance at shell scripts

Consists of a Linux system of several components, the most important of these components is the Linux kernel and is the heart of the system, there are so-called chance (Shell) which is surrounded Kalglaf Linux kernel which is often called the coincidence Bash in all Linux distributions almost coincidence Bash is responsible for the implementation of the orders of the terminal, for example, a responsible for taking orders and passed to the kernel and deal with it, which is very useful and depend on them most of the Linux applications.

When you perform the ls command, for example, which lists all the files and folders on the current track in the terminal, the chance Bash automatically track the implementation of the program in the / bin / ls, then the program is executed and is listed components of the current track.

Crippling Script is a set of serial commands that are written for a particular job, you can perform anything and anything you want to modify the system via shell scripts, Bash the chance to read the orders and instructions of the shell script file and are being implemented to perform the task it was designed for.

Crippling Script Lech requirement that orders be just like normal ls and pwd, can contain conditional sentences if and functions and variables and things very complicated, and differs from the use of these things, each according to target shell scripts.

This is a very simple example for Shell Script file does ask you for your name and your age, then Btabaathma, Take these commands in a file and save it in a folder, for example home:

echo "Enter your name:"; read name
echo "Enter your age:"; read age
echo "Hello $name, you are $age years old!"

Then applied the following command to give the powers of the implementation of the file first:

chmod 755

Now to execute shell scripts, dish follows:


Friday, September 12, 2014

Do you use Windows XP ? Went to Linux Now


Do you use Windows XP ? Went to Linux Now
Do you use Windows XP ? Went to Linux Now

After the completion of support for Windows XP from Microsoft Corp. became the infiltration system is threatened, which means that Microsoft did not provide him with any security updates, including patching the holes and fix the problems ... other. There is a large proportion of older devices do not Tsthml working on a new version of Windows 7 which is

Now your device certainly can not Isthml Windows 7 and XP will remain obliged to be threatened and infiltration, this is not a sinner, no system to Linux!

Learn Linux> here <

And now you know the light distribution Lubuntu : 


Lubuntu: is the distribution of the Ubuntu derivatives, small size and light devices for the weak, and the interface used LXDE light and low consumption of resources, and less energy-consuming devices in the lap Top.omn. Stable, you are not required to prove his combat viruses, and the facade is very similar to Windows.